Sun Pent 8 x 6 Feet Single Door with Seven Windows Dip Treated Wooden Garden Potting Shed
An extremely attractive garden shed ideal as a workshop or potting shed; as its name suggests it's designed for maximum light!
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The Sun Pent has seven, joinery made windows, five fixed and two opening glazed with horticultural glass. A very handy full length potting bench is also included. The shiplap cladding is 12mm slow grown, very high grade approved pine on sturdy 34mm square framing with both floor and roof in T&G. The framed door is fitted with a rim lock and key. Mineral roof felt, assembly instructions and a fixing kit are provided. The shed is finished with a honey brown basecoat preservative treatment ready for top coating immediately on installation to your choice of paint or stain. The shed shown is painted by the customer and shows what can be achieved. (Imperial measurements are rounded so please refer to the metric sizes for accuracy). Allowance should be made for the roof overhang and for access around the outside during construction and subsequent treatment. Following your order, you will be sent a link to choose your delivery day. On the morning of delivery day you will also receive tracking information.